Welcome to Mothercraft

Hello! The pregnancy and birth sections of motherhood are covered pretty thoroughly, but I'm just here to fill in some gaps. I'm a passionate friend to mothers and families enbarking on the crazy ride of fertility and postpartum. The services I offer are not simple, but are meant to simplify your life.

Please note: The service offered by me through this website or by word of mouth are not approved by the food and drug administration, nor am I claiming any specific affect on quality of life outside of my own personal experience and the experiences of others before me. Science is cool. Always check your sources and gather a second opinion.

Queen Anne's Lace is a medicinal herb that can be harvested as a natural form of birth control. I grow Queen Anne's Lace in my own yard and harvest ripe seeds for a handmade tincture that can be used to stop implantation before it happens. Please click here to learn more.
Consuming one's placenta after live birth has been a tradition since the beginnning of time. Modern society tends to recoil at the idea, but I have a way to reap the benfits without aggrivating your gag reflux. Please click here to learn more about placenta encapsulation.